4 Subtle Signs of Climbing Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a serious condition that affects nearly half of American adults, or about 116 million people — and about half of Florida’s residents as well.
Hypertension is often dubbed “the silent killer,” since many people living with it have no symptoms before they hit a medical crisis. High blood pressure significantly raises your risk of heart attack, stroke (the fifth-leading cause of death in the United States), kidney issues, vision loss, and it has even been linked to dementia.
Fortunately, those living in and around the Panama City Beach area have a caring and highly skilled provider who can help them manage this worrisome condition at Nu Wave Medical Center. Dr. Gurprit Sekhon has expertise treating high blood pressure and educating patients about what they can do to lower it.
The nuts and bolts of hypertension
Getting your blood pressure checked regularly is just one of the many compelling reasons to visit your physician each year for a wellness exam.
Your blood pressure reading includes an upper and lower number. The upper number is your systolic blood pressure, which measures pressure when your heart beats, while the bottom number of the reading represents your diastolic blood pressure, which measures the pressure in between heartbeats. Your blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).
When Dr. Sekhon measures your blood pressure, she explains what the normal, elevated, and high measurements are:
- Normal blood pressure is a reading of 120 mm Hg /80 mm Hg or less
- Elevated blood pressure ranges from 120-129 mm Hg/80 mm Hg
- High blood pressure is a reading of 130 mm Hg or greater/80 mm Hg or greater
She also talks about the fact that even though hypertension can show no symptoms, if you pay attention, you can sometimes identify signs that point to a developing problem.
The less obvious signs of high blood pressure
It’s smart to tune in to what’s happening with your body anytime, but in the context of high blood pressure, it can mean the difference between doing nothing and risking a serious health event or managing the condition effectively.
1. Dizziness
Rising blood pressure can make you feel lightheaded and not so sure on your feet. Though hypertension medication can also cause dizziness, so can dangerously elevated blood pressure. A worrisome fact is that dizziness and balance problems are stroke precursors.
2. Persistent fatigue
If you’re draggy and your lack of energy just doesn’t seem to let up, it may mean your blood pressure is climbing. The strain that your heart experiences while working too hard to pump your blood, which we referred to earlier, is the culprit. You might also notice periodic shortness of breath.
3. Red spots in the eyes
Tiny burst blood vessels leave little red spots in your eyes; these might indicate high blood pressure. Because hypertension affects your eyes, getting them checked out regularly is just as important as seeing Dr. Sekhon when it comes to staying on top of hypertension risk.
4. Minor headaches
If you’re a person who doesn’t typically get headaches but you start noticing mild ones, this can provide a clue to possible hypertension. A headache can also mean that your blood pressure has reached the concerning level of 200 mm Hg/110 mm Hg or higher.
Don’t put off seeking treatment if you observe these potential high blood pressure symptoms.
Dr. Sekhon can advise you about lifestyle changes you can make to help lower your blood pressure, like:
- Improving your diet by increasing fresh foods and reducing processed ones
- Lowering your salt intake
- Getting more physical activity each day
- Managing stress effectively
- Losing weight (Dr. Sekhon also offers medically supervised weight loss)
She may suggest getting a blood pressure machine as well, so you can monitor your numbers at home each day.
If lifestyle changes don’t do everything needed to keep your blood pressure in the healthy range, Dr. Sekhon can prescribe medications that also help.
One of the most important things you can do to take charge of your health is knowing your blood pressure and getting help with managing it if it’s elevated.
Call our Panama City Beach Parkway office at 850-493-6948 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Sekhon.
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