EMSella: The Noninvasive Treatment Solution for Urinary Incontinence

Have you hurried to get to the bathroom only to feel a disconcerting dribble, or experienced a leak when you let out a hearty laugh, sneeze, or lifted something heavy? If so, you’re far from alone.
Female urinary incontinence affects 50% of women, but incidents increase with advancing age — up to 75% of women over 65 years of age report leakage problems. Men aren’t immune to the problem either, with 3.4 million struggling with it. That equals lots of unnecessary discomfort and embarrassment.
Fortunately, Dr. Gurprit Sekhon and the Nu Wave Medical Center team aren’t only sensitive to patients experiencing urinary incontinence problems, they’re also able to offer an innovative treatment for the problem. No matter what health issue you seek help with from Dr. Sekhon, she’s here for you, always ready to provide expert and compassionate care.
More than one type of urinary incontinence
There are actually several types of urinary incontinence:
1. Urge incontinence
This condition is described by sufferers as suddenly feeling an urgent need to urinate, but then being unable to make it to the bathroom in time, so leakage occurs.
2. Stress incontinence
This happens when you leak urine while doing something that puts pressure on your bladder, such as laughing, coughing, or exercising.
3. Overflow incontinence
With this condition, leaks occur because the amount of urine you produce is greater than your bladder’s capacity.
4. Functional incontinence
This type of incontinence stems from a physical problem that prevents you from reaching the bathroom in time, such as arthritis or some type of physical or mental disability.
5. Mixed incontinence
Unfortunately, it’s possible to suffer from more than one type of incontinence simultaneously. Most often, women struggle with urge and stress incontinence at the same time, while men tend to suffer mostly with overflow incontinence.
We talked about the fact that age is a risk factor for incontinence, but so is living with certain chronic health conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and being a smoker. In addition, pregnancy increases the risk for women, while prostate problems increases the risk for men.
One incontinence treatment stands above the rest
Doctors can prescribe medications, pelvic floor exercises, medical devices such as pessaries for women (a device you insert into your vagina that supports your urethra), and bladder training, where you urinate on a schedule and attempt to increase the time you wait when you feel the urge to go to the bathroom. Some patients even require surgical solutions.
However, Dr. Sekhon has been so impressed with the success of one game-changing treatment — EMsella — that she enthusiastically adopted it. Patients give it high marks for providing relief from embarrassing incontinence problems.
This treatment harnesses the power of electromagnetic energy to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. These muscles run along the bottom of your abdomen and support the bladder and rectum, as well as the uterus and vagina in women and the prostate in men. When the muscles weaken, it’s harder to contract and relax them automatically, and bladder function suffers.
Treatment with EMsella strengthens the pelvic floor and helps you regain bladder control so leakage becomes a thing of the past.
Those treated with EMsella love it since it offers a host of patient-friendly benefits:
- Noninvasive treatment
- Comfortable (though patients do notice muscle contractions and mild tingling)
- Brief procedure that only takes about 30 minutes
- No post-treatment down time is required
When you receive treatment, you sit on the EMsella device and Dr. Sekhon directs targeted electromagnetic energy at your pelvic floor muscles, causing them to contract and release thousands of times during just one short session. After your treatment, you can return home or to the office immediately.
Dr. Sekhon typically recommends a series of six EMsella treatments over the course of three weeks, but many patients comment they notice fewer symptoms after the initial treatment session. From then on, you’ll develop stronger pelvic floor muscles, gain more control over your bladder, and experience fewer and fewer accidents.
With bladder leakage problems solved, you’ll never have to hesitate about leaving your house to go to work or a social event again, because you’ll be back in control.
If your self-esteem and physical comfort has been affected by incontinence, call the Nu Wave Medical Center office at 850-493-6948 to see if EMsella is right for you, or book a consultation online.
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