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How to Treat Urinary Incontinence Without Surgery

How to Treat Urinary Incontinence Without Surgery

Though urinary incontinence disproportionately affects women — particularly those above age 50 over 25 million of all Americans live with leakage issues. 

Incontinence is often associated with pelvic floor weakness in older women. The pelvic floor muscles are located across the lower abdomen and support the bladder and rectum in men and women, the uterus and vagina in women, and the prostate in men.

The compassionate team at Nu Wave Medical Center provides treatments that relieve the discomfort and embarrassment of incontinence problems. Dr. Gurprit Sekhon leads the Nu Wave team, and she’s invested in researching and adopting innovative treatments for many health conditions, including urinary incontinence. 

More than one type of urinary incontinence

People experience different types of urinary incontinence, but all, it’s safe to say, are disruptive:

  1. Stress incontinence is defined by urine leakage when you cough, laugh, sneeze, or lift something heavy.
  2. Urgency incontinence happens when you can’t hold your urine long enough to reach the bathroom. You may find that you need to urinate frequently, and the urge comes on suddenly and intensely.
  3. Functional incontinence is caused by a mental or physical impairment that prevents you from reaching the bathroom before urinating. Mobility issues, such as those caused by arthritis or an injury, may make it impossible to do what’s necessary to prepare to urinate in sufficient time, like unzipping your pants, so leakage occurs.
  4. Overflow incontinence occurs when your bladder fills to capacity and cannot hold any more urine, causing urine leakage. A steady dribbling can also happen because your bladder doesn’t empty completely. 
  5. Mixed incontinence is when you live with more than one type of incontinence, and the most common combination doctors see is urge incontinence coupled with stress incontinence.

When you consult with Dr. Sekhon about your incontinence, she delves into your history of symptoms in detail and considers whether it’s related to a condition known to cause incontinence, such as a urinary tract infection (UTI). 

Incontinence also often affects women who’ve recently given birth or are going through menopause. It can also be linked to medications you take or whether you’ve recently had surgery.

New hope for those living with incontinence

Fortunately, there’s a revolutionary noninvasive treatment that’s helping many with incontinence that's connected to pelvic floor weakness. EMsella is a medical device that harnesses the power of focused electromagnetic energy to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. 

The ability of these pelvic floor muscles to relax and contract allows you control over your bladder, and if the muscles weaken, that’s when urine leakage occurs. EMsella treatment can strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and lead to greater bladder control with reduced unintentional urine loss. 

We’d like to remind you that even though incontinence primarily affects women, men suffer from incontinence, too. And yes, EMsella works for men.

EMsella provides a comfortable and nondisruptive treatment experience. During treatment, Dr. Sekhon guides you to a seated position on the EMsella device. In the 30 minutes that follow, the electromagnetic energy directed at your pelvic floor muscles causes them to contract and relax thousands of times.

Don’t worry about any pain during treatment. There is none, though patients do report feeling a light tingling sensation. After your EMsella treatment, there’s nothing special you have to do, and no downtime is required. Patients report being happy with the fact that they can go back to work, school, or whatever they need to do directly after treatment.

Typically, Dr. Sekhon prescribes a series of six EMsella treatments spread out over three weeks to gain the most benefit, but many patients we treat note that they see a difference — reduced leakage and more control — after the very first treatment. 

It is our wish to provide lasting relief from the life-limiting symptoms that urinary incontinence causes — and EMsella treatment is enabling us to do this! 

Call our conveniently located Panama City Beach Highway office at  850-493-6948 to schedule a consultation so you can learn more about EMsella. We’re committed to liberating you from the anxiety and discomfort of urinary incontinence.

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