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I’m Struggling to Lose Weight

I’m Struggling to Lose Weight

Excess pounds post multiple problems. If you struggle with being overweight or obese, you’re at increased risk for a host of serious health conditions, and the weight can also impact your self-esteem tremendously. 

Feeling self-conscious about your weight may make you hesitant to go out and spend time with friends, avoid clothes shopping, and just make you feel judged.

Fortunately, Dr. Gurprit Sekhon and the caring team at Nu Wave Medical Center offer medical weight loss help along with other services to patients. But there’s an important difference: supervision comes not just from anyone, but from a medical pro. Rather than a fad diet or unsustainable programs that drastically limit what you can eat, we encourage healthy eating combined with exercise and emotional support. 

Medical help with weight loss may be the key you need to succeed

If you’re stuck regarding weight loss, or if you’ve gained and lost weight for years on end, you may be feeling like you’ve exhausted all your options. This isn’t true, because our programs have been game changers in many patients’ lives. 

With Dr. Sekhon’s assistance, you’re not alone in embarking on your weight loss journey. Having a caring provider design a program that’s customized to you and you alone, as well as monitoring your progress and providing critical support, can be the difference between just another short-term diet and a program that sticks. 

The health risks of being overweight

Being overweight or obese raises the chances that you’ll be diagnosed with serous health problems, including

This worrisome laundry list of health concerns is what brings many patients to see us after they’ve tried and failed at many other approaches to losing weight.

What does medical weight loss involve?

If a weight loss plan seems too insurmountable, you’re destined to fail again. But if Dr. Sekhon develops your program around your unique weight loss goals, food preferences, and any other health conditions you might be living with, your outcome is likely to be different.

No matter how innovative an eating program is, weight loss still comes down to the math, or taking in fewer calories than you expend. Dr. Sekhon takes care to create an eating program for you that meets this basic requirement, but also designs meal plans that complement your body and metabolism best.

Combined with getting daily exercise, your eating program results in impressive weight loss, but another key component of our programs is emotional support. It can feel like a uniquely lonely journey, losing weight. With the Nu Wave team behind you, success is within reach.

We encourage and support you in your new eating program, and provide valuable information on exercise options that harmonize with it. It’s best to shoot for fitting in aerobic exercise five days per week, for about 30 minutes to an hour. The other two days should be devoted to strength training.

Your weight loss plan and your exercise plan revolve around your goals, but after you lose the weight, it’s critically important that you learn to maintain your weight loss. Fortunately, Dr. Sekhon helps patients with this step too. 

There’s no replacement for the right kind of highly individualized support you get while you’re working to lose weight with us. It won’t take you long to realize that continuing on your plan far outweighs falling off the healthy eating wagon for any sustained period of time. 

Don’t feel uncomfortable in your skin anymore. Call our office at 850-666-4726 to learn more about medically supervised weight loss and why it may be right for you, or, book an appointment online

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