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STIs Are Common and Treatable: Here’s Why You Should Get Tested

Testing for sexually transmitted infections is important for keeping yourself, and others safe. STI rates have recently skyrocketed to the point where approximately 20 million infections occur annually in the United States, costing the health care system around $16 billion. 

Some of the most prevalent infections exchanged through sexual contact are human papillomavirus (HPV), which can lead to cervical cancer, genital herpes, and HIV. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), STD rates have gone up for five years in a row, with a sharp increase in babies born with syphilis. 

Dr. Gurprit Sekhon and the Nu Wave Medical Center team consider STI screening a cornerstone of your care. We aim to remove the stigma associated with STDs and treat our patients without judgment. Your wellbeing is what we care about most.

STIs pose unique challenges

In addition to the stigma that remains around simply discussing sex and sexuality in our society, STIs are cunning. Many of their symptoms are silent and they can be bacterial, viral, parasitic, or some form of yeast infection. These can gain significant traction in your system without you knowing it, which makes STIs easy to transmit. 

STIs and STDs that are left untreated pose serious risks, including:

Obvious symptoms also emerge with STDs. Such as genital pain, itching, discharge, fever, and pain during intercourse or urination. It’s important to watch for these and seek care if you experience any of them. As with so many conditions, the earlier you get treated, the better.

The bottom line is that if you’re sexually active, you should get tested for STIs. Some are curable, like syphilis and chlamydia. HPV, on the other hand, isn’t curable but certain strains can be prevented with the HPV vaccine

How do I know which STD tests I should have?

By discussing your medical, sexual history, and practices with Dr. Sekhon, she can help you determine which tests to get. Fortunately, being tested for an STD doesn’t hurt and it only takes a few minutes. Depending on what test she advises, you may need to give a blood or urine sample.

Fortunately, we have a lab right here at the office, so you can get your results quickly.

What if I’m diagnosed with an STD?

If your test results indicate you have an STI or STD, we can eradicate it with medication if it’s curable. If not, we can help you better manage your condition.

Take charge of your sexual health now

We respect your privacy and all consultations, testing, and treatment are fully confidential. Visit our website here to schedule an appointment. 

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