What Are the Health Benefits of Losing Some of My Extra Weight?

Most people know that extra pounds are bad news for your health. Being overweight or obese is linked to serious health conditions, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and more.
The simple act of losing weight and getting within a normal weight range for your height and build makes an incredible impact on your health. Wait, we said “simple,” right? Well, we know losing weight isn’t actually all that simple. It can be slow, frustrating, and leave you hungry and tired if you don’t take the right approach.
Fortunately, Dr. Gurprit Sekhon and the Nu Wave Medical Center team offer medically supervised weight loss that’s geared to your needs and preferences, and we know there’s more to successful and sustained weight loss than just an eating plan — it’s critical to get support as you work to meet your weight loss goals. Fortunately, we’re with you every step of the way!
How losing weight boosts your health
When you lose weight, you make your whole body smile, from your joints to your heart. Shedding extra pounds benefits you in so many ways, lowering your risk for:
- High blood pressure and stroke
- Cardiovascular disease and heart attack
- Systemic inflammation
- Joint pain
- Sleep apnea
- High blood glucose levels and type 2 diabetes
- Infertility
- Cancer, including colon, breast, and uterine cancer
When you lose weight, you also improve your cholesterol levels by raising your HDL, or “good” cholesterol and lowering your LDL, or “bad” cholesterol.
We think this list is pretty persuasive! And even losing as little as 5% of your total body weight can work wonders.
For example, if you weigh 200 pounds and lose 10, you significantly lessen the stress you’re putting on your joints. Did you know that 10 pounds is equivalent to 40 pounds of pressure when it comes to what your knees and other lower body joints must endure?
Another powerful example? A 5% weight loss cuts a woman’s breast cancer risk by an impactful 12%.
What’s more, losing weight supports your health in other ways. You sleep better, and proper rest supports your immune system, helps keep your energy level high, and boosts your mood.
Speaking of mood, losing weight benefits your mental health, too. Since your mobility is improved, you can exercise as you should and gain benefits from the endorphins (“feel good” hormones) that you produce as a result of being physically active. We all know, too, that losing weight helps your self-esteem soar.
Optimize your chances for successful and lasting weight loss
Dr. Sekhon isn’t just your provider as you embark on your weight loss journey, she’s your most vocal cheerleader! Losing weight and keeping it off is a multi-pronged endeavor. At Nu Wave Medical Center, we help you say farewell to unwanted pounds by:
- Creating an individualized eating plan for you based on your needs and preferences
- Prescribing medications, when needed
- Providing counseling about your optimal exercise plan, no matter what your fitness level
- Offering critical emotional support as you lose weight, and a plan to maintain your loss
Whether you’re one of the 30% of Florida residents who are living with obesity, or you just want to take off 10 or 20 pounds, we’re here to help. Taking this one step makes an astonishing difference in improving both your overall health and your quality of life.
Contact our Panama City Beach office at 850-493-6948 to get on the road to becoming a winner at losing today!
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