Blog Archive
You probably know the drill — if you visit your doctor for your annual wellness exam, one of the topics you’ll cover is likely your cholesterol level. You’ll probably need to get blood work done so you can learn more about it. Having high cholesterol puts you at risk for...
Sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs, are on the rise in the United States. The 2022 STD Surveillance Report published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reflected that cases of two common STDs, chlamydia and syphilis, have skyrocketed. These statistics — and the fact that an untreated STD...
The holiday season is filled with great fun, from parties to finding those perfect gifts for your loved ones, but rich foods, a crammed calendar, and late nights trying to play catch-up with an endless holiday to-do list can conspire to leave you vulnerable to getting sick. The holiday season...
The statistics on type 2 diabetes are shocking — over 38 million Americans live with diabetes, a condition of high blood sugar, and 90-95% of them have type 2. Type 1 diabetes is typically diagnosed in childhood or adolescence, whereas the majority of people with type 2 diabetes are diagnosed...
Most people know that extra pounds are bad news for your health. Being overweight or obese is linked to serious health conditions, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and more. The simple act of losing weight and getting within a normal weight range for your height and build makes an...
Think of your yearly wellness exam like the all-important tuneup for your car. If you take this preventive precaution, your car is less likely to break down. Similarly, making sure to schedule your annual physical is the best way to ensure that you stay on top of your health. You...
Type 2 diabetes is a serious condition that can harm everything from your kidneys and heart to your vision. It also contributes to nerve damage in the extremities, where you have trouble determining if the soles of your feet, for example, might have sustained a scratch or cut. If these...
Obesity in the United States has reached epidemic proportions. Nearly a third of Floridians are obese, with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or above. The BMI is a screening tool that physicians use to determine whether a person is within a healthy weight range or not for their...
Though urinary incontinence disproportionately affects women — particularly those above age 50 — over 25 million of all Americans live with leakage issues. Incontinence is often associated with pelvic floor weakness in older women. The pelvic floor muscles are located across the lower abdomen and support the bladder and rectum...
As we go about our busy lives, few of us contemplate that every moment, our blood fuels our bodies’ functions and performs many critical tasks. These include delivering nutrients and oxygen throughout the body, protecting us from infections, and even regulating body temperature, among other things. When we talk about...
Your cholesterol levels convey critical information about your health, and when your cholesterol is too high, you’re at increased risk for serious health emergencies like heart attack and stroke. It’s important to understand that everyone needs some cholesterol in order for their bodies to function properly. Fatty cholesterol in your...
Gone are the days of simply following your doctor’s instructions, no questions asked, and being more of a passive participant in your care. Now, smart health care means you and your doctor are a team. Sure, you still acknowledge their expertise, but this new dynamic isn’t only more empowering to...
There are few things as discouraging as eating well, exercising religiously, and still not being able to shed stubborn fat deposits from problem areas like your abdomen, inner thighs, upper arms, calves, and those pesky “love handles” that settle in right above your hips. Dr. Gurprit Sekhon offers a treatment...
High blood pressure is a serious condition that affects nearly half of American adults, or about 116 million people — and about half of Florida’s residents as well. Hypertension is often dubbed “the silent killer,” since many people living with it have no symptoms before they hit a medical crisis....
Living with diabetes is a big responsibility, and sometimes a challenging one because there are so many things to keep on top of. You and your doctor form a powerful team, and there’s no question that you play a crucial role in the day-in, day-out management of the condition. At...
If you’ve successfully lost weight recently, or if you just want to maintain your weight, you know that the holidays — filled with rich food and drink — can be a challenging time. It may seem nearly impossible to resist the goodies given as gifts as well. After all, who...
It’s not an exaggeration to say that type 2 diabetes is an epidemic in this country. Some 37 million Americans live with the disease, and 90-95% have this type. The remainder have type 1 diabetes, which is diagnosed more often in childhood. In the past, most who were diagnosed with...
High blood pressure is a serious condition that puts you at risk for grave health crises, including stroke, heart attack, and dementia. It’s also a “silent” disease, meaning there aren’t symptoms, even if your blood pressure is dangerously high. Dr. Gurprit Sekhon treats patients with high blood pressure, and helps...
Unfortunately, obesity is an epidemic in the United States, with over 42 million living with obesity, while nearly 31% are considered overweight. In Florida alone, nearly 30% of residents are obese. Even more troubling, obesity puts you at risk for serious health conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and high...
Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects 37.3 million Americans (with over two million of them right here in Florida), so there’s no question that it’s a serious public health epidemic. Unfortunately, diabetes can also lead to complications, including heart disease, kidney disease, vision problems, nerve damage, and more. If you live with either...
“Stealth health conditions” are ones that progress with no noticeable symptoms. One example is high blood pressure. Another is glaucoma. A third is osteoporosis. Osteoporosis, or brittle bones, affects approximately 54 million Americans, with women being four times more likely to be diagnosed with it than men (though men should...
There are many barometers doctors use to gauge your health, including things like your body mass index (the calculation of body fat based on one’s height and weight), cholesterol levels, and blood glucose level. Each contains important information relating to your risk for serious health complications, such as heart disease...
It’s not an exaggeration to refer to diabetes as an American epidemic. Over 37 million people are living with the condition, while a staggering 96 million have the disease’s precursor, prediabetes — though over 8 in 10 don’t know it. Put simply, diabetes impacts how your body converts food to...
With over 20 million sexually transmitted disease (STD) diagnoses being made every year by providers, it’s accurate to say that you and your doctor should have a conversation about getting tested. There are a variety of reasons why people get tested, from being in a new relationship to wanting to...
This month we celebrate love, and in health care, we pay special attention to heart health. February is National Heart Month and a great time to give your heart some TLC. On the serious side, heart disease kills men and women of most races and ethnicities in the United States...
Have you hurried to get to the bathroom only to feel a disconcerting dribble, or experienced a leak when you let out a hearty laugh, sneeze, or lifted something heavy? If so, you’re far from alone. Female urinary incontinence affects 50% of women, but incidents increase with advancing age —...
Holiday weight gain is as familiar to many as hearing holiday tunes on the radio in December. The problem is, during a season of parties and festive get-togethers with family and friends that typically feature rich and tempting foods, gaining weight over the holidays is as easy as, well, pie...
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a health condition that affects a wide swath of the American population — about 47%, while nearly half of Florida’s residents also live with the condition. Hypertension puts you at risk for a host of serious health conditions, so diagnosing it and...
Unfortunately, there’s still shame and stigma around sexually transmitted diseases, but it’s important to know that they’re common, they’re treatable, and many are curable. It’s estimated that 20 million Americans are affected by STDs annually. The most at-risk groups are people aged 15-24, gay and bisexual men, racial and ethnic...
It’s not an exaggeration to say that type 2 diabetes is a dangerous and far-reaching epidemic in the United States, because the statistics are sobering. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), over 37 million Americans live with diabetes, and 90-95% of them suffer from type 2 diabetes. Equally concerning is...
A staggering 95 million Americans live with high cholesterol. That’s not a good thing, since the condition is linked to high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes — all very serious conditions. Treatment of high cholesterol is one of Dr. Gurprit Sekhon’s specialties. She and her caring team at Nu Wave Medical Center are committed to helping you manage your...
We often talk about how important it is to “know your numbers” when it comes to your health. Some that are important to track are your weight, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Your blood pressure is pivotal to your overall health, since it’s linked to a host of serious health conditions. As...
Perhaps you’ve struggled with your weight for a long time. Maybe it’s just as you’ve gotten older, or after you’ve had a baby. In any event, losing pounds and keeping them off isn’t easy. You need an effective combination of a nutrition plan and an exercise program that works for you. ...
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a health condition that can lead to serious problems, including stroke, heart attack, aneurysm (when a blood vessel swells and bursts), and even dementia. But what exactly is high blood pressure? It’s the force your blood exerts when it hits the walls of your...
Excess pounds post multiple problems. If you struggle with being overweight or obese, you’re at increased risk for a host of serious health conditions, and the weight can also impact your self-esteem tremendously. Feeling self-conscious about your weight may make you hesitant to go out and spend time with friends,...
Sexually transmitted diseases are something everyone needs to think about. Over 20 million people are diagnosed with an STD each year, so learning about steps you can take to prevent them is critical. Dr. Gurprit Sekhon and the Nu Wave Medical Center team are highly invested in educating you about...
What do you think of when you hear “diabetes?” Perhaps you associate the condition with symptoms like fatigue, excessive thirst, and unexplained weight loss. There are several types of diabetes, but the two major ones are type 1 and type 2 diabetes. They have some symptoms in common, but are...
Poor Henry VIII. Even though he was powerful, wealthy, and enjoyed a reign of over 45 years, he still couldn’t avoid gout, a painful type of inflammatory arthritis that emerges cruelly, often in the middle of the night. Amazingly, now in the 21st century, there are nine million gout sufferers. ...
We talk a lot about “knowing your numbers” in healthcare, or being aware of impactful health data that are represented numerically. For example, your weight, body mass index (BMI — a formula that uses your weight and height to determine whether you’re within a healthy weight range), and blood sugar...
Obesity in America is a true and unfortunate epidemic. Over 36% of adults are obese, and alarmingly, nearly one-fifth of younger people and children ages two to 19 are considered obese. How exactly is obesity defined? Your body mass index, or BMI, is a calculation of your height to body...
We know that it’s the healthcare providers who deliver care and compassion, but a critical implement of their toolbox is medical technology. Advanced tools like MRIs, mammography, and robotics-assisted surgery have brought medicine to a highly sophisticated place. Today your doctor can diagnose and treat you with much more ease...
Cholesterol, shmolesterol. It’s all the same, right? Well, not exactly. There’s cholesterol — the waxy substance made by your liver — that assists your body in manufacturing hormones, cells, and vitamins, and cholesterol that hurts it. As an important indicator of your overall health, Dr. Gurprit Sekhon keeps tabs on...
It’s not an exaggeration to say that high blood pressure is an epidemic in the United States. In fact, almost half of adults have blood pressure readings that are higher than they should be. Not to mention, high blood pressure is still considered a “silent” disease, or one that often...
In centuries past, gout was termed “the disease of kings” because the condition was believed to be caused by overeating and indulging in alcohol excessively. Scientists later learned, however, that gout is a type of inflammatory arthritis that typically affects just one joint. The big toe joint is frequently targeted...
We know that excess pounds have numerous deleterious effects on your health, from stressing your joints to increasing your risk for serious conditions, like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Being either overweight or obese also affects your sleep, and contributes to sleep-related health problems. Simply losing weight can significantly...
Your cholesterol level is something you should become familiar with. It’s associated with a higher risk for heart disease, which is the leading cause of death in the United States, and a host of other serious conditions. The challenge with cholesterol is that it’s easy to overlook because it doesn’t...
Anyone who has suffered from arthritis can tell you it’s no picnic: Severe joint pain that can strike anywhere on your body, pain in your back and neck, stiffness, and swollen joints are all hallmarks of the condition. So, unfortunately, is limited mobility and an inability to enjoy life to...
If you feel sluggish, don’t like how you look, and find clothes shopping absolutely no fun at all, it might be time to make a real commitment to losing that extra weight. The positive effects of weight loss — even as little as five percent of your total body weight...
Our bodies move blood throughout our circulatory systems in a perfectly-designed way, so our organs receive the essential oxygen and nutrients they need to function. If your arteries have narrowed, however, when your heart pumps blood, it doesn’t flow efficiently. This defines high blood pressure. The problem sounds simple, but...
If you were to compare your cholesterol reading right after the holidays in January and in the middle of the summer, which number do you wager would be higher? If your answer is “January’s,” listen for the game show “ding-ding-ding.” A 25,000-subject Danish study confirmed this, noting that cholesterol levels...
Would it shock you to learn that out of Florida’s nearly 21.5 million residents, almost 11% of them, or two million, live with diabetes? Equally serious is the fact that many others are pre-diabetic, but have no idea. Diabetes occurs when glucose, your body’s main, food-provided energy source stays in...
Many people think of osteoporosis strictly as an older woman’s disease, but this isn’t the case. Although one of two women over 50 will suffer a broken bone due to the condition, so will one out of four men in the same age range. Here’s another startling statistic: 10 million Americans...
The flu vaccine is highly advised for everyone each year, but this year we’re dealing with the most virulent pandemic the country has seen in a century — COVID-19 — which means getting your vaccine should be at the very top of your health to-do list. Dr. Gurprit Sekhon and...
In a perfect world, you’d only need to visit your doctor in case of an emergency. Establishing a relationship with a physician to maintain your good health and prevent illness, however, is the smartest move you can make. Not only can it reduce your risk of experiencing emergencies, but nip...
There are few things worse than experiencing intense pain in your big toe, ankle, or knee. But it's usually an indicator that you have gout, a type of inflammatory arthritis that impacts over eight million people. Gout can attack any number of joints, including your fingers, wrists, and elbows. In...
Testing for sexually transmitted infections is important for keeping yourself, and others safe. STI rates have recently skyrocketed to the point where approximately 20 million infections occur annually in the United States, costing the health care system around $16 billion. Some of the most prevalent infections exchanged through sexual contact...
Exercise is potent preventive medicine for everyone, but especially if you live with arthritis. Our bodies were meant to move, and countless studies have shown that a sedentary lifestyle is harmful to your health. Dr. Gurprit Sekhon and our team at Nu Wave Medical Center are highly skilled in caring...
The United States is grappling with an obesity crisis that’s responsible for one in five deaths and costs the country nearly $150 billion per year. Obesity is even linked to a host of serious chronic illnesses, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. The communities in and around Panama City Beach are...
We’re lucky the world is balanced with the detail-obsessed and the generalists. Each serves a unique but necessary purpose. In the world of medicine, we see a generalist for routine care and a specialty physician for something unusual. But you’ve got choices when it comes to your primary care physician....
Physical examinations are a critical aspect in maintaining a healthy life. At Nu Wave Medical, Dr. Sekhon takes pride in working directly with you to stay on top of your health needs and ensuring her patients understand the importance of an annual physical. What is a physical examination? A physical...
For the 80 million Americans with high blood pressure, the hectic holiday season can bring extra risks. Even if you normally eat a healthy diet, stay active, and follow other precautions to reduce blood pressure, the added stress and food temptations during the holiday season can spell trouble. At Nu...
Many misconceptions persist about STDs. One common myth is that you’ll know if you get an STD because you’ll have painful symptoms. The truth is that not all STDs present initial symptoms, and sometimes symptoms don’t occur for years. You also may have heard that you can’t contract an STD...
Are you struggling with your weight? Have you tried different diets and exercise programs, but the number on the scale hasn’t budged despite your best efforts? If you’ve answered “yes” to these questions, you’re not alone. Almost 30% of Florida adults and close to 40% of American adults are overweight...
If you're one of the millions of adults in the United States who are fighting high cholesterol, you know it's important to watch your diet. High cholesterol can lead to serious health problems, including an increased risk of heart disease. At Nu Wave Medical Center, internal medicine physician Dr. Gurprit...
Vaccinations build up your body’s natural immunity to a disease. Without vaccinations, you’re at risk of catching a disease and spreading it. Since some diseases can spread before symptoms occur, you could unknowingly infect your family, coworkers, and virtually anyone with whom you interact, depending on how a specific disease...
Are you stressed out? Stress doesn’t just make you irritable or anxious — it can actually make you sick. Being under stress can affect every system of your body and significantly increase your chance of serious illness. At Nu Wave Medical Center in Panama City Beach, Florida, Dr. Gurprit Sekhon...
The link between obesity and Type 2 diabetes is so strong that the medical community has coined the term “diabesity.” Are you overweight and worried that you'll develop diabesity? Gurprit Sekhon, MD, at Nu Wave Medical Center can help. What is diabetes? Diabetes is a disease characterized by high levels...
Whether you finally met your weight loss goal with the help of Dr. Gurprit Sekhon’s medical weight loss program at the Nu Wave Medical Center in Panama City Beach, Florida, or you did it by some other means, we congratulate you. But your work isn’t done. Learn these tips for...
High blood pressure can harm your blood vessels without causing noticeable symptoms until the damage leads to serious health problems. For this reason, hypertension—another name for high blood pressure — is considered a “silent killer.” Luckily, there’s a lot you can do to lower your risk for heart disease, stroke,...
You’re super busy with your life, career, family, friends, and myriad interests. The idea of taking a few hours a year just to have a physical examination may seem like a luxury at first. But when you think about how much maintenance other areas of your life take — including...
There’s no shortage of products and services that tempt you with promises of quick weight loss solutions and, if they sound too good to be true, that’s because most of them are. In fact, if you do an internet search for “diet” or “weight loss,” you come up with more...
Would you be surprised if we told you that 1 in 3 adults has high blood pressure? Most people would, and it's this surprise that exemplifies why high blood pressure is called the "silent killer." Many people think they eat well and exercise enough to prevent heart disease, but most people aren't doing enough or...
Indulge (a little) If you go into the holidays with a goal of turning a cheek at every truffle and peanut butter cup, you're setting yourself up to fail. Indulgent foods and the holidays go hand in hand, so allow yourself to indulge and have a bite of your favorite...
Diabetes is a chronic disease that can have a major effect on your overall health and wellness. People with diabetes have difficulty controlling their blood sugar (glucose), and that means they’re at a significantly increased risk for serious health problems like heart disease, obesity, kidney disease and kidney failure, vision loss,...
Cooler temperatures, leaves changing colors, and signs for flu shots everywhere. It must be autumn.Just like pumpkin spice, the annual flu shot has exploded in popularity in recent years, increasing from about 12 million doses administered in 1980-81 to over 155 million last year. This is great news for everyone...